
When you built a barricade. (See the tutorial for Crafting if you missed this step).
You will see it transparent :
The construction Barica10
When it is in this form (and only this one), it can still be manipulable, to take it you simply need to press the Use button ("E" by default) when you are looking at the barricade :

The construction Barica11

To permanently fix the barricade equip the hammer The construction 0zhamm10 and hit on the barricade.
The construction Barica12

Once the construction is 100% completed, the Barricade will become physical and it will be impossible to interact with it. They block the zombies and will protect from the cold and the rain.
Barricades can be destroyed with guns and by the Zombies.

!CAUTION! they can take Fire and it can spread all over the other barricades.
The construction Barric10