
1. In the tab of the Administration menu (F2) activate the AdminMod 'this will allow you Mapper.

Place Merchants 2015-010

2. You then have the Skin AdminMod. Select the eye with the menu of the wheel.

Place Merchants 2015-011

Use the key to open the reload Create Menu. Click on what you want to spawn in the example I will take a Npcs Weapon Dealer.

Place Merchants 2015-015

Left Click on the map to bring up the merchant or where you're aiming. In the example I actually appear one in front of me.

Place Merchants 2015-016
Place Merchants 2015-017

[/u][u]To save and activate the continuing appointment to the Administration menu (F2) tab Server Option.[/u] Click "Save NPC Position" make sure that persistence is enabled, the button is green if this is the case. Do not forget to save Persistence in the slot when the server is to reboot slot there who will be responsible.

Place Merchants 2015-018