Le générateur électrique et les branchements.

A generator The Electric Generator and connections 0elec_11 is a standalone device capable of producing electricity.
Most groups consist of a heat engine which drives an alternator.
You will need fuel The Electric Generator and connections 0junk_12 to operate.


Make sure to position yourself in front of the generator and made the action key "E" by default. To open the interface:

The Electric Generator and connections 2015-110

1: This is the representation of the catch. It will be displayed here which is connected to such a location.
2: This is the state of the generator's fuel level and indication of its status..

HOLD: When transporting the generator. You can not carry it when it is in working order.
STARTER: This is the start button. It may be that if the engine is cold it is difficult to ignite. It just simply repeat the action several times until ignition.
STOP: To stop the generator.
REPAIR: To make maintenance to restore life points to the generator.

How to connect objects on the generator?

Step 1: Find the object you want to connect open interface and click the Connection button.
The Electric Generator and connections 2015-111

Step 2: Find the generator, open the interface and click on one of the four outlet. The icon of the object appear. Simply click on the icon to disconnect an object.
The Electric Generator and connections 2015-112

Lists of itemsthat can be connected.
Items  In Charge
The Electric Generator and connections 0junk_12
The energy level will recover slowly.
Construction Lamp
The Electric Generator and connections 0elec_10
The lamps will light. Useful to inform strategic points of your installation.
Thing to know:
1. The noise generator attracts zombies in a short distance.
2. The zombies can destroy the generator.
3. Where there is more fuel the generator étteint.
4. When the generator Zero point of life, you will find it possible to use without repair.
5. Use the batteries in palce of the generator is possible. But they offer only a single connection.