The maintenances and repair

Maintenance includes actions troubleshooting and repair, it aims to restore some health from motorized vehicles to ensure proper operating condition.


Make sure to position yourself in front of the generator or vehicle and made the action key "E" by default. To open the interface and click Repair:

The maintenance and repair Vehicl12

The maintenance and repair Genere10

Choose the type of service you want to do, + 5% or + 25%. A window will display the desired materials.

The maintenance and repair 2015-113

The repair time varies depending on your level in engineering. 10% of level by repair time. Level up engineering is the -50% level 5. So in repair time at max level. Do not close the interface before the end or risk having to start from zero. Hence the need to find a group and play as a team.

Lists types of maintenance that you can do and required materials. (These may evolve)

Materials needed
+ 5%The maintenance and repair 0junk_11x1 + The maintenance and repair 0junk_15x1
+ 25%The maintenance and repair 0junk_17x1 + The maintenance and repair 0junk_21x1 + The maintenance and repair 0sm_ro10x1 + The maintenance and repair 0sm_pi10x1 + The maintenance and repair 0sm_mp10x4  
Thing to know:
1. The level engineering improve the repair time.
2. Protect your mechanic while they carry out their work because he can not defend simultaneously. The interrupt their wastes valuable time.