How to give Zcoins?
In game press the "F4" key to open the menu then click on the gift icon to open the panel for giving Zcoins.

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The menu of gifts looks like this:
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To start, select the player that is on the same server as you, click to/for, a list of names appears, and select the user,

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Once he is selected his avatar and his name appear above the avatar like this:
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It is up to you to choose the amount of Zcoins you wish to give and click on Donner/Give:
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A message will confirm the correct operation of the system:
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A few ideas:

  1. The renter/Owner may organise your Events and ask to collect Zcoins for participating,
  2. You can support the renter, with the Zcoins it can increase the rental time,
  3. You can pay the "Database/Account Activation" to your friends without giving him access to your PayPal account.
  4. Sell rare Items of Zworld in exchange for Zcoins or services.


  1. No administrator have the right to ask for your Zcoins. If it seems strange take screenshots and copy the profile info from the scoreboard by making right click on their nickname and report him, it is an abuse.
  2. You are responsible for your actions. And so are your mistakes.