Lua Error Fixed:
Error Fixed:gamemodes/zworld/entities/entities/plu_cont1/cl_init.lua:176: attempt to index a nil value
1. DoClick - gamemodes/zworld/entities/entities/plu_cont1/cl_init.lua:176
2. OnMouseReleased - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:218
3. unknown - lua/vgui/dmenuoption.lua:116

[ERRORgamemodes/zworld/gamemode/sv_vehicle.lua:593: attempt to index field 'clfhine2' (a nil value)
1. unknown - gamemodes/zworld/gamemode/sv_vehicle.lua:593
2. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:54

[ERRORgamemodes/zworld/gamemode/cl_furniture.lua:499: bad argument #1 to 'RunConsoleCommand' (string expected, got nil)
1. RunConsoleCommand - [C]:-1
2. unknown - gamemodes/zworld/gamemode/cl_furniture.lua:499

-If the battery is connected it is not storable.
-Inventory: Texture of -Flare- fixed
-Bug map: Vehicle doubled on outercanal(spring version) and outercanal (winter version)
-Generators the right place when manipulated.
-Sound of Generator is Fixed
-Unable to connect long distance an item.
-Fixed double vehicle glitch on gm_atomic
-Fixed the map "Zombie_Invasion"
-Translation into 21 languages the words "knock" in the action of the inventory bar.