Get Gmod Scoreboard Editable here :

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En 🇬🇧 : "First of all, you finally buy a unique identity for your server that reflects your project. No more servers with all the same display boards, etc. Give your customers the feeling that they are on something unique. The editable Scoreboard (also known as Tabmenu), meets the needs of users who want an elegant and customizable panel quickly and without the need to upload images to the shop. The added bonus is that it also includes a list of useful actions to take as an administrator. Click on the player to heal him, kick him, teleport him, etc. Works on all gamemodes even if this one is not a DarkRP."

Gmod Scoreboard Editable :

Compatible : Compatible with all DarkRP Mods, StarwarsRP, HogwartsRP, CityRP, gtaRP, AnimRP, MangaRP, ScoolRP, CloneRP, CloneRP, HaloRP, HarryPotterRP, PoudlardRP, MedievalRP, StalkerRP, Sandbox mod.

#gmod #addon #mod #script #lua #glua #originahl #code #darkrp #nordahl #garrysmod

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